Would you like to join PLH?

At PLH, we are architects, designers, construction architects, visualization experts, communicators, and model builders. We bring together many nationalities under one roof, each contributing unique experiences and perspectives to our work. Despite our differences, we all share one common goal: bringing out the best in people – both for our clients and within our studio.

We are always looking for new colleagues. Here, you can see our current job openings and how to submit an unsolicited application.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Available positions

We are always looking for new talent

We love meeting people with different profiles - also in times with, we don't necessarily have a job opening. It brings us closer, when the right match occurs.

                                                                   Many of our job openings are never posted but employed via unsolicited applications.

Send unsolicited application
PLH Arkitekter
Vermundsgade 38 K
2100 København Ø
Tlf.: 35 43 00 55
CVR: 27919502